Feb 28, 2009
Feb 13, 2009
华新网 - 华新论坛 - 房产车市
除了房子的首期款之外, 还要付印花税, 第一个18万是付1%, 第二个18万是付2%, 再多的部分就是3%了. 如果您买的房子超过36万, 公式可以简化为 = (房价*3%)-5400.
律师费用也是免不掉的, 不过现在大部分银行都会替买家付一部分的律师费
如果您买的是HDB, 那么还需要付1%的中介费, 如果您买的是公寓, 那么不需要付中介费用.
2 问: 买房子的首期可以用CPF付吗?
是的, 每个房子都有一个估价, 高于估价的部分是一定要付现金的, 另外估价的5%必须用现金, 其它的都可以用CPF 支付. (适用于银行贷款)
3. 问: 买房子的手续大概需要多久?
一般来说, 买房子从下定金到全部手续办完, 大概需要3-4个月的时间. 有时候可以根据双方需要加快手续, 但是这个要CASE BY CASE, 不是每个交易都能加快的.
4. 问: 男女朋友没结婚可以买房子吗?
可以, 如果您打算买公寓, 没有这方面的限制. 如果您打算买HDB, 那么你们两个必须都是年满21周岁的PR, 拿到房子后必须在3个月内把你们的结婚证书拿给HDB看, 也就是说如果你们打算在半年内结婚, 是可以买HDB的.
5. 单身PR可以买房子吗?
是的, 但是只可以买公寓, 不可以买HDB
如果您是新加坡公民而且家庭收入没有超过8000 那么可以去申请这个补助, PR买房子没有补助.
7. 家庭收入超过8000块可以买HDB吗?
可以, 没有问题. 不过申请不到补助, 也不能买新的HDB
8. 我拥有私人公寓, 可以买HDB吗?
可以买转售组屋, 但是必须住在HDB里面.
9. 买HDB的手续是怎么样的?
价钱谈妥之后, 您需要付给卖方不超过1000块的定金(OPTION FEE), 卖方这时候要在买卖合同(OPTION TO PURCHASE)上签字, 然后您有两个星期的时间去搞定贷款事宜. 在这两个星期内如果您决定不买了,那么您的定金就拿不回来了, 卖方无权追究您的责任. 如果您决定买这个屋子, 那么您需要在两个星期内在OPTION上签名, 同时付OPTION EXERCISE FEE 给卖方. 这两次的钱(OPTION FEE + OPTION EXERCISE FEE) 加起来不可以超过5000块. 然后就是去HDB申请FIRST APPOINMENT了. 大概需要等一个半月的时间才能去HDB做FIRST APPOINMENT. 到时候HDB的OFFICER会准备一些文件让 双方签署. FIRST APPOINMENT 之后大概8个星期你们就可以拿到KEY了. 这些手续以及到律师事务所办理相关手续, AGENT都会帮 您安排. 注意: HDB的OPTION是STANDARD的, 用的是HDB给的ORIGINAL COPY. 两个星期的时间也是规定的, 不可以 少, 也不可以多. 在您签了OPTION TO PURCHASE之后, 如果您反悔的话, 卖方有权追究责任.
10. 买二手公寓的手续是怎么样的.
价钱双方都同意了之后, 您要准备一张1%的支票给卖方, 他们会签OPTION TO PURCHASE 给您. 同样您也有两个星期的时间. 但是这个时间是可以商量的. 可以短一点, 也可以长一点. 双方可以协商. 通常也是放两个星期. 如果您决定买这个房子, 您需要到您的律师楼去签OPTION TO PURCHASE. (我们叫EXERCISE OPTION), 同时您要付4%给律师请他带收. 如果说双方商量好6个星期拿KEY的话, 那 么律师会在第5个星期跟您收钱, 然后就是拿钥匙了.
11. 贷款可以贷多少年?
最多可以贷35年, 可以到65岁. 如果您还没到30岁, 可以贷35年. 如果您超过30岁, 那么最长年限是65-AGE
12. 贷款可以中途还清吗?
可以. 一般情况下银行有两年的LOCK IN PERIOD, 这两年其间如果您一次性还清贷款,那么通常都有一个PENALTY CHARGE, 两年以后如果您一次还清, 就没有PENALTY 了
13. 什么时候需要付什么款项?
如果您买HDB的话, 那么前面两个礼拜要付总数不超过5000块的现金. 等到 FIRST APPOINTMENT以后的两个星期里面需要付印花税, 其余的钱等到拿钥匙前一到两个星期需要交给律师事务所.
如果您买公寓, 前两个礼拜需要付5%的现金, 签了OPTION的两个星期内需要付印花税. 其余的钱等到拿钥匙前一到两个星期需要交给律师事务所.
14. 买了房子后多久可以卖?
如果您买的是私人产业,那么随时都可以转卖. 如果您买的是HDB, 那么有以下3种情况: 1, 跟银行贷款, 需至少住满一年才可以转手, 2. 跟HDB贷款但没有拿GRANT, 需至少住满两年半, 3. 跟HDB贷款, 拿了政府的GRANT, 需至少住满5年. 第2和第3种情况都要求至少有一个是公民, 而且家庭收入没有超过8000.
15. 已经有了HDB, 还可以跟银行贷款买公寓吗?
可以, 不过建议您在买公寓之前, 跟银行拿一个IN PRINCINPICAL APPROVAL, 这样一来您就可以确保当您看中了公寓的单位以后, 您一定会拿到那个数额的贷款了
16, 买了HDB后, 在买公寓可以住在公寓里, 把HDB出租吗?
HDB已经更新了条例, 如果您买的HDB是新的HDB, 或者拿了GRANT, 那么您必须住满5年后才能整套合法出租, 如果是买的转售组屋, 没有拿GRANT, 那么住满3年后就可以合法整套出租了, 也就是说如果您已经在您的HDB里住了3年, 那么搬入公寓, 出租HDB是没有问题的.
17, 已经有了一套房子, 买第二套房子可以用CPF吗?
CPF BAORD 的政策是有条件允许的, 当您的CPF的存款额达到最低存款标准后, 您是可以动用多余的CPF来买第二套房子的.
18. 两个人买房子可以以什么方式持有房子?
先说JOINT TENANCY, 这种是共同持有方式, A和B以这种方式持有房子的话, 如果其中一方不幸过世, 那么房子的全部产权归另外一方所有.
TENANCY IN COMMON 是A和B以百分比来持有房子, 比如说A 70%, B 30%. 在这种情况下, 如果其中一方过世, 其房子所有权是按他/她的遗嘱来分配, 如果没有立遗嘱, 则会根据新加坡的法律来分配, 如果选择了这种方式来持有, 请记得一定要有遗嘱, 一来可以避免不必要的纠纷, 二来也不会因为要走很多法律程序拖延到时间.
19. 买卖HDB和CONDO在程序上有何不同
1. HDB 的合约里 定金最多是1000块(OPTION MONEY), 而CONDO的是1%
2. HDB 的签约金加上定金最多可以是5000块(OPTION FEE+OPTION EXERCISE FEE), 而CONDO的签约金是4%
3. HDB 可以用HDB LOAN (有限制条件), 而CONDO只能是BANK LOAN
4. HDB 可以有CPF GRANT(有限制条件), CONDO 没有,(新的EC除外)
5. HDB 签合约不需要在律师行, 而CONDO的通常都是在律师行签约的
6. HDB 会有一个FIRST APPOINTMENT, 买卖双方包括经纪都需要去. CONDO 没有这个程序, 签了合约后律师会处理一切
7. HDB 的合约两个星期签字期是固定的, CONDO的可以自行商量签约时间的长短.
8. HDB 完成交易一般是FIRST APPOINTMENT后8个星期 (也可以提前或推迟, 不过一般都是8个星期), CONDO完成交易的日期是一开始谈价钱的时候就可以商量好的.
9. HDB的STAMP DUTY是在FIRST APPOINTMENT 拿到批准之后两个星期还, 而CONDO是签约之后两个礼拜内就
20. 公民和PR在买房子上有哪些不同?
1. 公民可以买LANDED PROPERTY, PR是不可以的, 但是可以去APPEAL, 他们会CASE BY CASE 处理.
2. 公民可以买新的EC, PR不可以.
3. 公民可以申请新的HDB, PR不可以
4. 公民可以申请CPF GRANT (转售组屋), PR不可以.
21. 什么是CONTRA? 卖方做CONTRA对我买房子有什么影响?
CONTRA的用途是这样的, 卖方卖掉现在的屋子A, 要去买屋子B, 但是手上没有足够的钱来买屋子B, 他需要用卖房子A拿回来的钱去买屋子B. 这两个交易必须同时进行, FIRST APPOINTMENT 是同时的, COMPLETION也是在同一天. 这需要三方面的同意, B的卖方, A的卖方(同时也是B的买方) 还有A的买方, 要大家都能在FIRST APPOINTMENT的那一天有时间, 还有COMPLETION那天有时间, 如果任何一方出了问题, 整个交易就会受到影响. CONTRA只能其中一方做, 也就是说, 不能有两个买家都做CONTRA.
22. 什么是EC, EC和CONDO有什么区别?
EC 是Executive Condominium 的简称. 推出EC的初始目的是为了满足家庭收入超过8000(不能申请新组屋), 又没有能力负担私人产业的本地人的需要. EC的价格要比CONDOMINIUM 来的低, 还有政府的补贴, 但是会有一些限制. 新的EC只有新公民核心家庭才能购买, 要自己住满5年以后才能转手或整套出租. 5-10年只能卖给PR或者本地人, 要10年以后才变成FULL CONDO, 那时候外国人才可以购买. 除了这个限制, EC和CONDO在其它方面都是一样的, 都有CONDO FACILITIES, 保安等等. 当然所有的EC都是99年地契的.
公民可以申请3-4万的补贴, (如果靠近父母的住处, 可以申请到4万), 这个补贴是直接进公积金户头的(普通帐户), 到时候HDB会把普通户头里所有的CPF都扣完, 其余的才给贷款. 举例如下:
买价: 35万, 估价:32万, 也就是说现金3万.
公积金本来有6万, 补贴3万.
那么HDB会批贷款: 32-9=23万, 虽然根据估价最多可以贷到28.8万, 但是因为所有的CPF要用完, 所以只能贷23万.
RESALENET 是用来ONLINE提交转售FIRST APPOINTMENT的申请以及VALUATION的申请, 经过认可的经纪公司都能帮客户使用RESALENET提交申请. 但是并不是每个经纪都能使用. 只有拥有CEHA (Common Exam For Housing Agent) 或者 CES (Common Exam for Sales Person)证书的经纪才能通过其所属经纪行提交. 使用RESALENET的话, 能够拿到更早的FIRST APPOINTMENT日期, 经纪能够选择比较合适的时间, 如果有需要更改日期也是非常的方便. 不能使用RESALE的话, 只能通过 MANNUAL SUBMISSION, 这样一来FIRST APPOINTMENT的日期会大概晚两个星期左右, 而且时间基本上是 RESALENET里别人不想要的时间. 也不能自选日期.
如果大家有其他疑问, 欢迎咨询, 我会慢慢更新我的FAQ.
Feb 11, 2009
分享我自己摸索出的四念处纯观禅法 - 未名空间(mitbbs.com)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Feb 10 00:27:58 2009)
Feb 10, 2009
走出软件作坊(The Itch of Software Workshop):图书:价格比较:琅琅比价网
出版社:电子工业出版社 出版日期:2009年1月
页数:403 装帧:平装
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商品编号:2066987 ISBN:712106539 定价:39.8元"
Feb 8, 2009
搜集的新加坡招聘网站(转载) - 未名空间(mitbbs.com)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Oct 23 03:19:02 2008), 转信
Feb 5, 2009

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Download (source and executable)
Feb 3, 2009
15 Websites to Trace People Online | MakeUseOf.com
15 Websites to Trace People Online
In today’s Internet world of booming social networks, it’s easier to find lost friends and colleagues than it ever was before. In fact, the private world of yesterday is now an online world with open access to social networks, government databases, and public records. If you’re looking for a long lost relative or friend, consider the following free resources to trace people online.
Crawl the Internet
The Internet is essentially a giant database, overflowing with data points about individuals. Today, it’s hard to find anyone who hasn’t commented on a blog entry, made a post in an online forum, or registered at Facebook or Flickr. The Internet is filled with opportunities to create a profile, and every single profile provides the Internet with additional data points about you that people can use to find you when they need to.
There are many websites that search standard social networks like MySpace or Facebook, but Piple is one resource that conducts a “deep web” dig for the name you’re looking for on “non-typical sites.” The search results from Piple are pretty impressive. You can read about how to use Piple at this article by Karl. Conducting a deep search for myself, I found that the results covered data pulled from profiles at MySpace, Facebook, and countless other sites like article directories and blogs. I was especially impressed by Piple’s efforts to dig for email addresses and content within miscellaneous web pages.
Another powerful search is Google’s Blog Search which will find anyone who has published to a blog on the Internet. The results on this search turned up my published articles at MakeUseOf, those at my three blogs, and even articles that I wrote for clients and had completely forgotten about.
Probably the most powerful tool to find someone who may have only posted to the internet a long time ago is Google Groups. Google Groups has incorporated over 800 million Usenet messages into its database, an impressive 20 year’s worth of Internet conversations dating back to 1981.
By far, one of the best search engine crawlers for finding people through searching all types of Internet content is 123people. I found that this website was able to find more accurate hits when I searched for myself than most other identity search engines.
Just a straight search without location found dozens of weblinks blogs, social network profiles and documents, most of which were an accurate hit. Needless to say, I’d recommend 123people to anyone looking to find if anyone they know has any content whatsoever published on the Internet about them.
Searching Social Networks
Social networks are very hard to avoid on the Internet. It’s impossible not to get sucked into a forum discussion, a Facebook group game, or connecting with industry leaders on LinkedIn. Because of this, the odds are very good that the person you’re looking for has registered and created a profile in at least one of those networks.
YoName is one free website that searches through a list of over thirty popular and obscure social networks including Imeem, LinkedIn, FaceBook, MySpace, Yahoo 360, Flickr, and Zorpia. We’ve examined it before at MakeUseOf. The results are displayed in tabular format so you can select which social network search to focus on. I found that YoName could only find a few of my online profiles.
Wink searches social networks such as MySpace, Reunion, LinkedIn, Friendster, and others. Wink results were somewhat limited though, with only 28 results and only one of those was an accurate “hit.”
Spokeo is a powerful social network tool that searches through a huge list of social networks and websites. It discovers things that aren’t very easy to find, like hidden Facebook profiles, posts or comments to YouTube, blogs or comments on Blogger, accounts on Flickr, Twitter, WebShots and more. The results are comprehensive and include results from over 40 major websites.
The only drawback is that to sign up you have to provide Spokeo with your email address and password so that it can actually access your email account and extract your contacts.
Jobs and Companies
If you know where someone works, but you don’t have their contact information, then tracing them by company or industry is your best option. There are several tools available that can help.
Jobster is a large database of job listings where you can find people not only by name, but within a certain industry or specific company. You can sift through the huge database of folks who’ve added their profile to Jobster in hopes of landing employment.
Another great industry search site is ZoomInfo, which is focused on company details. If you have a profile on the internet that lists your affiliation with a company, the odds are good that you’re in the ZoomInfo database. I even found myself listed in the database as co-owner of RealityUncovered, which is true, but it was only part of a few online profiles - meaning ZoonInfo can crawl profiles for company affiliations. Very impressive.
Online Public Records Search
Of course, if you’re conducting a full background check on someone, then you’ll want to find the following information:
- Residences over the last few years
- Criminal record check
- Driving record
- Birthday and birth location (for citizenship verification)
- Child predator check
If a person has a criminal record or any court ruling, it’s amazing how much information you can find about it online. If you know a name and birthdate of the person you’re looking for, that’s all you really need - although the location information would make the search go even more smoothly.
Zaba Search is one of the best sites for conducting free public records queries. Using Zaba Search, you can determine a person’s exact past and current addresses and phone numbers. If you want a detailed report of all past addresses, relatives, criminal history, bakrupcies, small claims judgments and more, it’ll cost about $50 through Intelius. You can also conduct a phone number search, which is nice if you receive a prank phonecall from someone you don’t know. It will give you the latitude and longitude of the location, but for specific details you need to purchase an Intelius reverse lookup.
Google Government search sets the bar high with the ability to search through government news reports and even government websites. By searching names, you’ll often discover someone involved in government research, grants, or non-profit activities.
If you suspect the person you’re looking for is in prison, then search the state or federal inmate locator directories. Just pick a state, or search through the federal system.
USA.gov provides a huge database for all state and federal agencies. Most services where you need to pay for background details on a person come from these free state and federal agency databases. You can find the data for free by searching through this website to find those agencies and conducting the search yourself. For example, digging through the state of Maine agencies I found where you can search through Maine criminal records.
Criminal Searches is one of the first truly free search websites that allow you to call up the criminal records of anyone based on name, location, birthday or age range. To test it, I searched for the record of a person in California who I know, from previous research, has a criminal record there. Sure enough, Criminal searches found it.
The results also offer the source of information (court office) where you can send for a copy of the entire case records (for a fee). Is this easy online access freedom of information or invasion of privacy? Should your criminal records be on public display on the Internet? Or is it more important for the public to know who the former criminals are and where they live? Either way, Criminal Searches is leading the way in making this information both public and very convenient.
Make it Simple
When it comes right down to it, you want to be able to find someone quickly and free. The sites above will help, but in most cases you’ll need to at least learn a few details about the person, like their birthday or the state they live in. Once you have those details, the volume of information you can find online about a person is amazing, and at times shocking.
Have you ever tried to search for someone online? Do you feel easy access to personal records is an invasion of privacy or an important public right? What other free online search tools do you know about for looking for people? Share your opinions and sites in the comment section below.